Steve has published several books on underwater photo and video Subjects. You can find the books on in paper and electronic versions, and on the Apple iBookstore in iBook format. Steve also has iOS apps available on the Apple iTunes App Store.
Steve also has a new book titled "iPhone Time Lapse Photography". It is an iBook and is available on the Apple iBook Store as a FREE download. The book was written to support Steve's two new iOS Time Lapse Apps, ViewLapse Lite and ViewLapse Pro.
More detailed information on Steve's Books and Apps can be found on his website dedicated to the subject at: www/
For iPhone: ViewLapse Pro
For iPhone: ViewLapse Lite
FishTalesPress is a spinoff of FishTales Films and Photos specifically for the publication and distribution of media relating to Steve’s books and apps. FishTalesPress has it's own web site with specific details on the books and apps and links to their locations on the iBooks Store, iTunes App Store and